Posts by News
- Sign up for guided, hands-on experimenting with AI Tools for SBC Strategy Design, August 27-29
- What does participatory design look like in the age of AI?
- Recap: Cutting through the Noise – Finding Meaningful Uses of AI throughout the Evaluation Life Cycle
- Is it even possible to procure an ethical AI tool? Insights from the NLP Community of Practice
- Recap: Transformative Evaluation Practice Through the Lens of Artificial Intelligence
- INGO Experiences Adopting Microsoft Copilot
- Register for Our July 25th Meeting: Cutting through the Noise – Finding Meaningful Uses of AI throughout the Evaluation Life Cycle!
- AI for Good Partnerships – Old Challenges, New Tech
- Join us on July 10 to exchange experiences with adopting Microsoft Copilot!
- Recap: Using AI to Build a Localized and Participatory MEL System
- Pioneering Social and Behavior Change with Generative AI
- Register for our June 13 meeting: How can AI support participatory MEL and sense making?
- Join our June 5 gLocal session on Transforming Evaluation Practice with Artificial Intelligence
- 5 steps for building a ‘no code’ chatbot in under 5 minutes
- How can we make the most of GenAI for SBC?
- Join us on May 21 for a snapshot of Gen AI-tools for Social and Behaviour Change
- What’s happening with GenAI Ethics and Governance?
- Join the AI and African Evaluation Working Group Meet ‘n’ Mix Session on May 7!
- Hands on with GenAI: predictions and observations from The MERL Tech Initiative and Oxford Policy Management’s ICT4D Training Day
- When Might We Use AI for Evaluation Purposes? A discussion with New Directions for Evaluation (NDE) authors
- A visual guide to today’s GenAI landscape
- Register now for the NLP-CoP Ethics and Governance Working Group Meeting on April 18th
- 10 ways to help your organization manage the pain of AI adoption
- Exploring NLP Pipelines: Insights from NLP CoP’s Custom Chatbot Webinar