Responsible Data

Responsible Data Resource List

This list of resources (formerly known as the “Responsible Data Hackpad)” is curated and maintained by MERL Tech and The Engine Room. If you would like to see other resources added to the list, please note them in the comments or get in touch. We’ll update the list periodically!

Responsible data is:

The duty to ensure people’s rights to consent, privacy, security and ownership around the information processes of collection, analysis, storage, presentation and reuse of data, while respecting the values of transparency and openness. (Responsible Data Forum, working definition, September 2014)

A slightly different definition (as outlined in work by Sonjara for mSTAR/USAID) considers responsible data as a balance between 1) responsible data use (e.g., being sure that development organizations actually use the data we collect/that have been collected and shared by others); 2) transparency and accountability (to those we collect data from, to those who fund data collection/use, to the public); and 3) data privacy and security when we are stewarding or using data we have collected.