Check out the latest MERL Tech resources!

Over the past several years, MERL Tech and The Engine Room have been jointly compiling the ‘Responsible Data Resource List’ for our respective and overlapping communities.

These resources include discussions, case studies; policies, guidelines, standards and frameworks, and data security guidance going back to 2013. We’ve aimed to capture an archive of not only documentation, but also blogs and opinion pieces that depict the evolution of digital MERL and responsible data practices across the globe. During this process we’ve had the opportunity to connect and learn from a wide range of organizations and data practitioners and to help strengthen the sector overall.

Now on the new MERL Tech website, we’ve categorized and tagged these resources so that they are more accessible and searchable for practitioners and researchers alike.  We hope this allows for easy navigation of specific resources. Resource searches can be done independently on categories or tags, or by combining categories plus tags. You can also do a general search using the search bar to find key words.

Check out the resource page to see more and do send us your resources so that we can feature them on the list! If you’ve got a blog post summary about your resource, we are happy to run it on MERL Tech News to help point people towards the resource.

You can submit your resource suggestions through the comments below, or get in touch using the ‘Contact Us’ feature on the About Us page. We’ll need a title and one to two lines describing your resource and a link to the full document.

And for those who liked how the Responsible Data Resource List was set up before, don’t worry! You can still access it here, and we’ll continue to partner with the brilliant team at The Engine Room’s Responsible Data initiative to keep it up to date!

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