MERL Tech Round Up | October 2, 2017
We’ll be experimenting with a monthly round-up of MERL Tech related content (bi-weekly if there’s enough to fill a post). Let us know if it’s useful! We aim to keep it manageable and varied, rather than a laundry list of every possible thing. The format, categories, and topics will evolve as we see how it goes and what the appetite is.
If you have anything you’d like to share or see featured, feel free to send it on over or post on Twitter using the #MERLTech hashtag.
On the MERL Tech Blog:
Big Data in Evaluation – Michael Bamberger discusses the future of development evaluation in the age of Big Data and ways to build bridges between evaluators and Big Data analysis. Rick Davies (Monitoring and Evaluation News) raises some great points in the comments (and Michael replies).
Experiences with Mobile case management for multi-dimensional accountability from Oxfam and Survey CTO.
Thoughts on MERL Tech Maturity Models & Next Generation Transparency & Accountability from Megan Colner (Open Society Foundations) and Alison Miranda (Transparency and Accountability Initiative).
The best learning at MERL Tech DC came from sharing failures from Ambika Samarthya-Howard (
We’ll be posting more MERL Tech DC summaries and wrap-up posts over the next month or two. We’re also gearing up for MERL Tech London coming up in March 2018. Stay tuned for more information on that.
Stuff we’re reading / watching:
New research (Making All Voices Count research team) on ICT-mediated citizen engagement. What makes it transformative?
Opportunities and risks in emerging technologies, including white papers on Artificial Intelligence; Algorithmic Accountability; and Control of Personal Data (The Web Foundation).
Research on Privacy, Security, and Digital Inequality: How Technology Experiences and Resources Vary by Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Ethnicity in the United States from Mary Madden (Data & Society).
Tools, frameworks and guidance we’re bookmarking:
A framework for evaluating inclusive technology, technology for social impact and ICT4D programming (SIMLab) and an example of its application. The framework is open source, so you can use and adapt it!
A survey tool and guidance for assessing women’s ICT access and use (FHI 360’s mSTAR project). (Webinar coming up on Oct 10th)
Series on data management (DAI) covering 1) planning and collecting data; 2) managing and storing data; and 3) getting value and use out of the data that’s collected through analysis and visualization.
Events and training:
Webinar on using ICT in monitoring and evaluation of education programming for refugee populations (USAID and INEE). Recording and presentations from the Sep 28th event here.
Webinar on assessing women’s ICT access and use, Oct 10th (Nethope, USAID and mSTAR/FHI 360.
Let us know of upcoming events we should feature.
Send us vacancies for MERL Tech-related jobs, consultants, RFPs and we’ll help spread the word.
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