New Report: Global Innovations in Measurement and Evaluation
On June 26th, New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) released its “Global Innovations in Measurement and Evaluation” report. In it, NPC outlines and elaborates on eight concepts that represent innovations in conducting effective measurement and evaluation of social impact programs. The list of concepts was distilled from conversations with leading evaluation experts about what is exciting in the field and what is most likely to make a long-lasting impact on the practice of evaluation. Below, we feature each of these eight concepts accompanied by brief descriptions of their meanings and implications.
The key to making an evaluation user-centric is to ensure that the service users are truly involved in every stage of the evaluation process. In this way, the power dynamic ceases to be unidirectional as more agency is given to the user. As a result, not only can findings become more compelling to decision makers because of more robust data collection, but also those responsible for the program now become accountable to the users in addition to the funders, a shift that is both ethically important and that is important for the trust it builds.
Shared Measurement & Evaluation
Shared measurement and evaluation requires multiple organizations with similar missions, programs or users to work together to measure their own and their combined impact. This involves using the same evaluation metrics and, at a more advanced stage, developing shared measurement tools and methodologies. Pooling data and comparing outcomes creates a bigger dataset that can support stronger conclusions and provide more insights.
Theory-Based Evaluation
The central idea behind theory-based evaluation is to not only measure the outcome of a program but to also get at the reason why it does or does not work. Typically, this approach begins with a theory of change that proposes an explanation for how activities lead to impact, and this theory is then tested and accepted, refuted or qualified. It is important to apply this concept because without an understanding of why programs work, there is a risk that mistakes will be repeated or that attempts to replicate a program will fail when attempted under different conditions.
Impact Management
Impact management is the integration of impact assessment into strategy and performance management by regularly collecting data and responding to it with course corrections designed to improve the outcomes of a program. This method contrasts with assessment strategies that only examine a program at the end of its life cycle. The objective here is to be flexible and adaptive in order to produce a more effective intervention rather than waiting to evaluate it until there is nothing that can be done to change it.
Data Linkage
Data linkage is the act of bringing together different but relevant data about a specified group of users from beyond a single organization or sub-sector dataset. One example could be a homelessness charity that supports its users in accessing social housing linking its data with the local council to see if its users ultimately remained in their homes. In essence, this method allows organizations to leverage the increasing quantities of data to create comparison groups to track the long term impacts of their programs.
Big Data
Big data is typically considered as the data generated as a by-product of digital transactions and interactions. It is a category that includes people’s social media activity, web searches and digital financial transaction trails. New technology has expanded the human ability to analyze large datasets, and consequently big data has become a powerful tool for helping identify trends and patterns, even if it does not provide explanations for them.
Remote Sensing
Remote sensing uses technology, such as mobile phones, to gather information from afar. This method is useful because it allows one to collect data that may not be typically accessible. Additionally, remote sensing data can be highly detailed, accurate, and in real time. Finally, one of its great strengths is that it is generated passively, which reduces the possibility of introducing researcher bias through human input.
Data Visualization
Data visualization is the practice of presenting data in a graphic form. New technology has made it possible to create a broad range of useful visualizations. The result is that data is now more accessible to non-specialists, and the insights produced through analysis can now be better understood and communicated.
For more details and more examples of real-world applications of these concepts, check out the full “Global Innovations in Measurement and Evaluation” report here.
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