Please Submit Session Ideas for MERL Tech Jozi
We’re thrilled to announce that we’re organizing MERL TEch Jozi for August of 2018!
Please submit your session ideas or reserve your demo table now, to explore what’s happening with innovation, digital data, and new technologies across the monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL) fields.
MERL Tech Jozi will be in Johannesburg, South Africa, August 1-2, 2018!
At MERL Tech Jozi, we’ll build on earlier MERL Tech conferences in DC and London, engaging 100 practitioners from across the development and technology ecosystems for a two-day conference seeking to turn theories of MERL technology into effective practices that deliver real insight and learning in our sector.
MERL Tech is a lively, interactive, community-driven conference. We’re actively seeking a diverse set of practitioners in monitoring, evaluation, research, learning, program implementation, management, data science, and technology to lead every session.
Submit your session ideas now.
We’re looking for sessions that focus on:
- Discussions around good practice and evidence-based review
- Innovative MERL approaches that incorporate technology
- Future-focused thought provoking ideas and examples
- Conversations about ethics, inclusion, and responsible policy and practice in MERL Tech
- Exploration of complex MERL Tech challenges and emerging good practice
- Workshop sessions with practical, hands-on exercises and approaches
- Lightning Talks to showcase new ideas or to share focused results and learning
Submission Deadline: Saturday, March 31, 2018.
Session submissions are reviewed and selected by our steering committee. Presenters and session leads will have priority access to MERL Tech tickets. We will notify you whether your session idea was selected in late April and if selected, you will be asked to submit the final session title, summary and detailed session outline by June 1st, 2018
If you’d prefer to showcase your technology tool or platform to MERL Tech participants, you can reserve your demo table here.
MERL Tech is dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, welcoming and harassment-free experience for everyone through our Code of Conduct.
MERL Tech Jozi is organized by Kurante and supported by the following sponsors. Contact Linda Raftree if you’d like to be a sponsor of MERL Tech Jozi too.
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